In Part 1, we reviewed keeping your construction site well-lit and strategically placing security cameras. Here in Part 2, I will share additional tested and proven tips to improve construction site security during the current building boom.

  1. Keep a daily record of tools and equipment

Documentation is important in tracing who has the equipment and when it was checked-in and checked-out. Also, assign a reliable employee to be responsible for keeping a main inventory of the materials and equipment. For insurance purposes, take photos and list serial numbers of every tool, making it easier to identify in case an item gets lost or stolen.When employees know items are being inventoried each day, they’re less likely to try to walk away with something.

  1. Post highly visible “No Trespassing” signage

Having a “no trespassing” sign may seem outdated, but it’s still an effective deterrent that sends a clear message that only authorized personnel are permitted to enter. My security company posts multiple highly visible signs at each of our construction sites that read: This Site is Patrolled by Echelon Protection & Surveillance. We choose to add our contact information so the public can alert the police if anything looks suspicious.

Based on factors such as the regional crime rate and community access, most construction companies know that security fencing is an important part of risk mitigation and access control. It’s a good idea to limit access by assigning only one entry and exit point. A high 8’ to 12’ fence with locking gates heightens security during overnights when contractors have left for the day.

During working hours a security guard can easily monitor everyone that enters and exits the site. A good strategy is to post a guard that documents each person as they enter. Clients may also provide lists of contractors and materials are to be delivered each day that are checked-off as they arrive. Posting signage also protects against the liability of trespassers accidents on your jobsite.

  1. Schedule delivery of materials

Do not use the construction site as a storage dump. Instead, you should plan ahead and schedule the deliveries in tandem with your security partner. Develop a timetable and determine what materials you will need for the week. When they arrive, they should be documented by a security guard posted at the entrance. Having less building material and tools sitting around on the jobsite means less temptation.

Do not leave the materials and tools lying around. At the end of the day, tell your workers to organize and secure them in the designated storage areas. If you cannot store them on the site, rent a trailer and take it home with you. Park the heavy equipment in well-lit areas facing the street. Add chains to lock them in place, and most importantly, do not leave the keys in the ignition.Organizing your jobsite will not only help manage inventory, but will also lessen the chances of theft. If you want to catch up the previous post, you may refer to Improving Your Construction Site Security (Part 1).

Choose Echelon Protection & Surveillance to secure and protect your construction jobsite from unwanted and illegal activity like loss, theft, fire, vandalism, hazard and costly delays. Call 610-831-0277 or email