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Featuring Informative Security Insights by CEO, Stuart J. Visnov

What is an Active Shooter Drill and Should Your Synagogue Do One?

In recent years, the rise in antisemitic incidents has heightened security concerns for Jewish communities. Synagogues across the United States are increasingly conducting active shooter drills to prepare congregants for potential threats. This article explores what an active shooter drill entails and discusses whether your synagogue should implement such training. Understanding Active Shooter Drills Active […]
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How to Secure Jewish Synagogues

Ensuring the safety of synagogues has become increasingly critical in light of rising antisemitic incidents and global conflicts. Incidents at Jewish institutions have jumped 237% in 2023 alone.  Jewish communities must adopt comprehensive security measures to protect their places of worship. This article outlines effective strategies for securing synagogues, focusing on the role of security […]
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How to Secure Jewish Day Schools with Security Guards

Ensuring the safety of Jewish day schools has become increasingly crucial in light of rising antisemitic incidents and global conflicts. According to reseach by the Anti-Defamation League, incidents at K-12 schools increased by 135% to 1,162 incidents in 2023.  Implementing effective security measures is essential to protect students and staff. This article explores strategies for […]
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How to Protect Jewish Communities in the Face of Rising Antisemitism

The rise in antisemitic incidents has created an urgent need for robust measures to protect Jewish communities.  In 2023, the Anti-Defamation League recorded over 8,000 antisemitic incidents, a 140% increase from 2022 and the highest number since ADL began tracking. The alarming increase in these incidents requires coordinated efforts from security guards, government agencies, and […]
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Everything Clients Need to Know About Our New Service, YES (Youth Essential Services, LLC)

In late 2024, Echelon Protection & Surveillance will launch a groundbreaking service called YES (Youth Essential Services, LLC). This initiative arises from an urgent need to provide safe, nurturing environments for children and youth within Philadelphia’s welfare system. YES aims to redefine care with its first facility, which will house four to six residents and […]
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Why You Need to Choose Professionals to Protect Jewish Communities

The rise in antisemitic incidents has heightened the need for robust security measures in Jewish communities. While volunteer security initiatives are commendable, there are compelling reasons to trust professional security services to ensure comprehensive protection. This article explores why choosing professionals is essential for safeguarding Jewish communities effectively. Expertise and Training Professional security personnel bring […]
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The Rise in Antisemitic Incidents and the Need for Increased Protection

Antisemitism has seen a disturbing rise in recent years, particularly in the wake of international conflicts involving Israel. Jewish communities across the United States face increasing threats, making enhanced security measures more crucial than ever. This article examines the recent spike in antisemitic incidents and the urgent need for increased protection. Alarming Statistics The Anti-Defamation […]
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Five Ways Security Agents Deliver Valuable Child Protective Services to Counties

The child welfare and security agents may not be as famous a partnership as Starsky & Hutch or Peanut Butter and Jelly, but we are just as effective. Don’t believe us? In this article, we’ll explain five major ways a security agent like EPS provides value to child protective services.   Comprehensive Protection Services   […]
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How Child Welfare Funding Provides for Child Protective Services

Child welfare systems are essential frameworks designed to safeguard vulnerable children and youth. Their operations are primarily supported by a complex array of funding sources that ensure these services can continue to protect and nurture those in need. Understanding how these funds are allocated helps illuminate the critical support structures that underpin child protective services […]
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What Do Security Agents Need to Protect and Secure Children and Youth with Intellectual Disabilities

Protecting children and youth with intellectual disabilities presents unique challenges that require specialized security solutions. Echelon Protection & Surveillance has developed a suite of services specifically designed to address these needs, ensuring safety and compliance with all applicable regulations. In this article, we cover the services and qualifications agents need to have in order to […]
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Why Counties, Agencies, Institutions, and Healthcare Facilities Across Face an Urgent Demand for Protection Services

In today’s rapidly evolving social landscape, social care institutions and healthcare facilities are struggling to cope. The increase in vulnerable youth combined with a decrease in funding means these institutions are facing an urgent demand for additional protection services. In this article, we look at what’s fueling the demand, the kinds of services these organizations […]
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Why Security Agents Are the Perfect Partner for Child Welfare Agencies

Security agents play an indispensable role in enhancing the safety and well-being of children under the care of welfare agencies. By providing 24/7 protection, these professionals ensure a secure environment for children, staff, and visitors alike. Their presence in group and foster homes significantly mitigates risks, creating a safer setting for vulnerable youths. Specialized Training […]
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